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Children in classroom at Joylina Community School. About 200 children have been enrolled in community schools.Baby care/ baby sitting in Joylina Community SchoolFeeding programme in our education scheme. We feed 300 children with hot meals one per day.Through table banking Mary owns a tailoring shop.Jane is selling some food stuff in her shop which is boosted through table banking of Jehova Jire women group.Emily is skilled with hairdressing and runs a salon.Young boys nurturing their football talents.Jehovah Jire women group is a self help group for women who meet together on regular basis, contributes some money and provide credit to members at low rates as compared to many money lenders. It make women economically self reliant, open avenues of self employment and income generation.Jehovah Jire women group during their monthly meeting. Create awareness on a range of women’s rights and social issues. Fostering a positive attitude within the groups for change and development.Everyday is an opportunity for good actions for the humanity cause. Serving others is the best work of the life.